With over 15 years in the cultural sector, Emmaly Langridge is a fierce advocate for the arts and understands how to nourish a thriving community.

Experienced in developing and delivering multidisciplinary outcomes, she is able to balance the expectations of key stakeholders alongside delivery outcomes.

Emmaly has managed purpose-built cultural spaces and reimagined existing sites to support performance, visual art, movement, sound and more.

Creative placemaking strengthens our communities. Emmaly looks forward to leading more placemaking projects supporting the sector.


Throughout her career Emmaly Langridge has shaped creative outcomes from digital programming to creative residencies, public programs, festivals and parties.

As a queer woman, she is interested in creating vibrant and inclusive events for queer women, trans women and non-binary folks. Blending connection and creativity, these events are intimate and welcoming experiences for gathering together in queer joy.

Queer women are often underrepresented within LGBTQIA+ spaces and through her work she carves new homes for queer connection.